
Novi Sad Urban Climate Lab team appreciates sharing knowledge, skills and beers with other teams and institutions. That is why we like to collaborate on innovative projects that help us move our boundaries, and bring something useful to the broader scientific and public community. Here is the list of our successful projects!

INTERCLIM - Interactive climate-service system - Use of green infrastructures and online toolkit for better adaptation and resilience to the hazards of climate change in the Croatia-Serbia cross border region

Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2024-2027 

The overall objective of this project is to increase and strengthen adaptive and resilience capacities of citizens and economy to climate change processes and weather hazards, and show how to effectively implement solutions on the field: a) by implementation of green infrastructure systems ('green rooms' with environmental monitoring systems) that represent an 'outdoor living space' concept and a new nature-based solution in the region and Europe; b) by developing the interactive online climate/environment platform and mobile applications that will provide the 'climate change adaptation and weather hazards resilience' toolkit freely available for citizens and economy in the region. All these actions will create one 'climate-service system' that overall will educate public and private sectors about climate change adaptation measures and increase knowledge how to implement those measures in the field.

The main project outputs are: a) deployment of green infrastructure and environmental monitoring systems in public urban spaces of Novi Sad and Osijek (six 'green rooms' and four monitoring stations), as a micro-level solution related to improvements of micro-climate and environmental conditions in cities and better adaptable capacities for citizens; and b) development of an interactive online climate/environment platform with mobile applications and as final product the creation of the 'climate change adaptation and weather hazards resilience' toolkit (CCA/WHR), that will cover the Croatia-Serbia cross-border region as an solution that provides information, knowledge and practical examples how to implement relevant adaptation and resilience measures in the region. Achievement of the project will positively affect in the first place the citizens (general public) - particularly the population in cities with more than 30.000 residents (it is about more than 1 mil. in the region), but also on target groups such as local and regional public authorities, sectoral agencies, NGOs, workers on buildings/infrastructures, NGOs, private sectors, and experts/students.

The project is based on the 'science-to-society' concept. Therefore, the novelty and innovation of this project is: a) the implementation of the green infrastructure systems ('green rooms' with monitoring stations) as a new nature-based solution in the region and Europe, and this solution represents the 'outdoor living space' concept to serve as micro-climate adaptation and weather shelter for citizens; and b) creation of the 'climate change adaptation and weather hazards resilience' toolkit based on interactive online climate/environment platform and mobile applications, that represents the regional joint solution with materials and practical solutions on CRO and SRB languages in order to be maximally used by citizens and economy from the region.


The project`s objective is:

Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches


The project`s interventions are:

1) Implementation of green infrastructures and monitoring systems as a nature-based action in cities;

2) Development of an interactive online climate/environment platform covering cross-border region.


Project duration: 2.5 years

Project budget: 1.8 Mil. EUR

Start: 15.09.2024.

CREATEGREEN - Creating energy and environment conditions for greener and sustainable Croatia-Serbia cross-border region 

Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2024-2026 

The overall objective of the project is to promote the production and use of sustainable and clear energy solutions by using solar energy plants in cross-border region. Furthermore, micro-meteorological sensors, together with built-in solar plant information, will provide the population in the cross-border region with in-depth knowledge about the actual effective use of solar power and strengthen available global information about the possibility and efficiency of solar power production by increasing it with actual micro-climate calculations for given locations. The main project outputs are:

1) Development of green energy production systems in Novi Sad, Sombor, and Osijek. Installation of solar energy plants in Novi Sad (0.15 MW), Sombor (0.25 MW+0.04 MW, i.e. total 0.29 MW) and Osijek (0.35 MW and 0.05 MW, i.e. total 0.40 MW), in order to increase usage of green energy and to promote renewable energy sources; and

2) Creation of a micro-scale solar power efficiency monitoring system as a tool for calculating solar power production efficiency in cross-border region as a joint solution, which will contribute to the more effective use of solar energy power by economy, institutions and citizens in region.

Direct benefit will have the citizens in Novi Sad, Sombor and Osijek. Furthermore, benefit will have stakeholders, local and regional authority (as decision makers), sectoral, education and research institutions, NGOs work on renewable energy, climate change policies, climate and environment adaptation strategies, resilience actions and public health. Project brings new and innovative approach by:

1) implementing renewable energy system together with micro-meteorological sensors that will provide necessary data for the calculations of solar power production efficiency in cross border region; and

2) developing and implementing the innovative Micro-scale Solar Power efficiency monitoring system (multi-level platform) as a joint solution for population in cross-border region, providing valuable information about best cost-effective solar power efficiency solution.


The project`s interventions are:

1) Energy efficiency renovation or energy efficiency measures regarding public infrastructure, demonstration projects and supporting measures;

2) Renewable energy – solar.


Project duration: 2 years.

Project budget: 2.2 Mil. EUR

Start: 15.06.2024.

GREENERGY 2.0 - Greening the cities – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region

February-October 2023

GReENERGY 2.0 project aim is in line with the overall aim of the program to strengthen the social, economic, and territorial development of the programme area by doing joint interventions in the areas of sustainable energy and green infrastructure. It contributes to Priority Axis 2 Specific Objective (SO) 2.2 “To promote the use of sustainable energy and energy efficiency”. The project contributes to Project Output Indicator “Additional capacity of renewable energy production (MW)” by installing additional solar energy plants (0.15 MW of power; annual production of 187.5 MW) in Osijek and by improving the energy efficiency of public buildings with the installation of a green wall in Novi Sad. GReENERGY 2.0 also contributes to the program result indicator “Energy consumption by public buildings in the programme area” by providing renewable energy for public buildings and decreasing its use of energy from non-renewable sources. The project's main target groups are local public authorities, regional public authorities, higher education and research institutions, education/training centers and schools, SMEs, business support organizations, and the general public. These target groups will be reached through the project, public events, and social media profiles. The project will further use and capitalize on the results and outputs of the previous project (GReENERGY) by adding new capacities for renewable energy production in the program area, contributing to the carbon-zero concept in cities, and increasing the awareness of the local population in the cross-border area and beyond. Read more: 

Water demand of Vertical Greening Systems mitigating Urban Heat Islands

Bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Austria, 2022-2024

Incorporating strategic green infrastructure such as Vertical Greening Systems (VGSs) into urban environment has a potential to mitigate climate change, urban heat island (UHI) and surface urban heat island (SUHI) effects, reduce energy consumption in buildings, improve air quality, increase urban biodiversity, retain rainwater, and enhance human outdoor thermal comfort, health and well-being in general. In order to ensure the long-term provision of these functions, a sufficiently available water supply for irrigation of VGSs is the key element. Currently, potable water is the main resource for irrigation, which is not a sustainable solution. Rainwater as a sustainable source of irrigation water for VGS is often mentioned as an alternative, yet only a few studies investigated the actual application of rainwater for VGS irrigation and the associated effects on climate conditions. In this project, we will further develop a conceptual model and perform hydrological and climate measurements and modelling in Vienna (Austria) and Novi Sad (Serbia) in order to predict the processes and influencing factors for a holistic investigation of rainwater use for VGS irrigation and climate improvement. The obtained results from the project will showcase how to improve the management of VGS water demand by implementing the rainwater harvesting (as a sustainable irrigation resource) and how to improve the climate conditions in urban areas. The developed model and guidelines on VGS design can be used by interested stakeholders in their pursuit of creating sustainable, resilient and climate-neutral cities.

FAIRNESS - FAIR Network of micrometeorological measurements

COST Action CA 20108, 2021-2025

The current state of weather-induced agricultural losses, water use for irrigation, the appearance of new invasive species and disease vectors (strongly depending on micrometeorological conditions), new environmental zoning of plant diseases and pests, deforestation, increased urbanization, rural-to-urban migration and increased urban energy consumption for cooling/heating impose scientific and societal request to provide micrometeorological knowledge share platform (Micromet_KSP) in order to communicate: a) compiled an inventory of available and quality proven micrometeorological in situ data sets on the European level and beyond, b) measurement and data management recommendations designed in order to meet FAIR principles and avoid temporal and spatial gaps, c) examples of rural and urban FAIR data sets and d) Q&A exchanged between Action members, stakeholders, specialized user groups and the general public. Read more: 

Improving the environment in Vojvodina in order to adapt to climate change and reduce the risk of natural disasters 

Provincial secretariat for higher education and scientific research, 2021 - 2025

The main goal of this project is to intensify interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research of urban and natural (protected) environments in Vojvodina, through micro-location monitoring of climatic and bio-climatic conditions and through changes in biodiversity at the habitat level to provide assessments and measures for adaptation of population and natural habitats, climate change and extreme weather events. Based on that, the project team consists of researchers with a focus on climatology, demography, biology, analysis and environmental protection and GIS, who will cooperate with each other in the next four years. Read more: 

Research on extreme heat in Serbia

June-October 2022

This project tried to fill this research gap by identifying the local heat thresholds and triggers in Serbia, located in Southeast Europe. There were two research questions: 1) How many people have died during recent heatwave events (2015-2020) in Serbia? 2) At what temperature/humidity/duration combination do extreme temperatures lead to an increase in death in the period 2015-2020 in Serbia? This project was supported by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN). Read more: 

GReENERGY - Greening the cities – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region

Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2019-2021

The common territorial challenges in the Croatian-Serbian cross-border region are increased energy consumption by public buildings due to their insufficient energy efficiency, insufficient usage of renewable energy and lack of knowledge related to energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES) among authorities and general public. The project approach in addressing these challenges is by jointly developing and implementing green roofs and walls as well as solar panels on selected public buildings in Osijek and Novi Sad (one building in each city) supplemented with promotional and educational activities related to EE and RES topics. Green roofs and walls will be implemented in order to improve buildings energy efficiency and thus decrease their energy consumption. Solar panels will be deployed on building roofs in order to promote, produce and use renewable energy for green walls and roofs maintenance, air conditioning and light in buildings, preparation of hot water, thus promoting circular economy principles. The main project objective is to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings with the usage of green roofs and walls, to produce and use RES using solar panels and to promote EE and RES usage to public and private sector. The project outputs are estimated to reach about 213 kW of additional renewable energy production and efficiency. Achievement of the project will positively affect target groups, i.e. local and regional public authorities, sectoral agencies, NGOs, private sector, pupils and students, workers in buildings, and general public of two cities - about 400000 people. Cities agencies, private sector, NGOs and general public will benefit from developed infrastructure and knowledge transfer while project partners will gain new partnership for future cooperation in the region. Read more: 

URBAN-PREX - Monitoring, forecasting and development of online public early warning system for extreme precipitations and pluvial floods in urban areas in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region

Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia 2017-2019

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of precipitation and pluvial flood occurrences in urban areas of Central Europe. Thus, the proposed project presents an outstanding opportunity to develop and implement an innovative monitoring, forecasting and online public early warning system for extreme precipitation and pluvial floods in urban areas of the Hungarian-Serbian Cross-border region. Through the project, two dense monitoring precipitation networks will be installed in the most-populous cities of the Programme area: Novi Sad (Serbia) and Szeged (Hungary). Continuous data recording, transmission and processing, as well as real time display of the processed data in a spatial (i.e. map) form will be useful for citizens (i.e. individual adaptation) and public institutions (e.g. traffic and water management, city government) of the Cross-border region. Real-time precipitation forecasting model for the whole programme area supplemented with the forecast of pluvial flood occurrences in Novi Sad and Szeged will be developed through the project based on the measured data from the networks and the remotely sensed data. Measured data will be used to fine-tune the remotely sensed data thus enabling the development of more precise forecast model for the Programme area. Measured and forecasted data will be freely available for everyone in real-time on the project website, project social pages and mobile android application giving an early warning to the citizens and public authorities in order to protect them and prepare their effective response to these extreme weather and water situations. Read more: 

URBAN-PATH - Evaluations and public display of URBAN PATterns of Human thermal conditions

Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia 2013-2014

The long-term and effective monitoring of the excess heat generated by the cities of the project (Szeged and Novi Sad) is possible with the application of a measurement network, whose spatial resolution provides the detection (tracking) the differences between thermal characteristics of the neighborhoods, and whose temporal resolution allows the exploration of both the diurnal as well as the seasonal peculiarities. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are carried out in both cities: installation of a measurement networks of 25-30 stations with automatic data logger and transmission system; creation of high-resolution maps from the processed data about spatial structure of the thermal conditions, thermal load, and their continuous, real-time online presentation on the internet and public screen. Read more: